Blogging Through the Gospels with Amy from Mom's Toolbox
Reading: Matthew 13: 1 - 35
Matthew 13 : 16-17
16 But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. 17 For truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.
This was not the verse that I was expecting to jump out at me. It was interesting. There are so many parables that have valuable life lessons. I checked them off as I read through. Yes, yes, oh that's a good one.... etc. This verse didn't really even warrant a response from me on the first read-through. Ha!
But on the third, it jumped right out at me.
And I realized -- whoa. This verse, while it is Jesus talking to his disciples about actually being WITH JESUS and seeing the miracles, and hearing the teachings, is also completely relevant to our ability to completely saturate ourselves with the Word, and teachings, and fellowship. I mean -- just look at what we are doing here!! Don't you think that Sarah would have loved to have a group of awesome bloggers to talk through the prophesy that she was going to have a child even though she was.... um...over the hill?? And what about Tamar? She was going through some pretty heavy stuff and would definitely have benefitted from some encouragement via the world wide web. And Mary, the mother of our Lord.
She could have used some virtual hugs and e-cards and some shared awe and wonder at the Majesty of our God!
We have all of these tools at our disposal, and we are abundantly blessed because of it.
But more than that---- we have the privilege of the presence of our Savior at any and all times. I know that I do not live my life at all moments like I am feeling the presence of my Savior.
I want that to change.
Oh how you have blessed me. My human mind will never be able to understand how you can be so completely and intimately involved with my life, and be the same for everyone, everywhere. It hurts my head to try to comprehend it. But you ARE. You are the Alpha, the Omega, and everything in between.
Thank you so much for :
1) This opportunity -- blogging through the gospels, learning a new way of digging into Scripture and really feeling like I am hearing from you on a regular basis.
2) my parents... I am just so overwhelmed that they are walking WITH you! You are so good!
3) My boys (the two littles and one adult)
4) My job... I love it, and I love my students.
6 and forever) The CROSS.
I can't take it.... I am sitting here crying because I am so grateful for what you have done in my life, and what you continue to do in my life -- knowing how completely UNWORTHY I am.
In awe, and humbled yet again,
Thank you for stopping by Napalm!
Oh, I think you nailed it too! It's true. We left our church after an explosion a little over a year ago. A full year without a church home - so hard. No family, no connection, totally secluded. But there was no excuse for nothing having people praying for us, with us, studying, reading, learning together given this day and age where Amazon will ship you any book, and virtual sisters in Christ will discuss the bible.
What a gift!
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