My daily walk with my Savior has intensified since I started using the SOAP method while reading and "Blogging Through the Gospels" with Amy from Mom's Toolbox.
Reading: Matthew 16
The one scripture that I really felt God leading me to today:
Matthew 16: 15 - 17
15 “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”
16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”
17 Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven.
There are times when the Lord reveals things that we could not have possibly known.
In this verse, today I felt the distinct reassurance that God will provide the words, the answers, and the wisdom in all situations that present themselves. This is particularly timely because my husband and I are about to deal with our first ministry "issue." I would love all praying people to be praying with us this evening as we intercede for the salvation of the fiance of a dear friend. A dear friend who is a long time Christian and KNOWS about being unequally yoked, and has HEARD the truth from people about this relationship.... AND we just found out last night that they are living together. We are at peace right now, because she is coming over. But before we had a time set, neither my husband or I could eat, we were so convicted by the Spirit about the situation. We will be fervently bringing him the the Lord this evening, and gently, but firmly rebuking her current situation.
Please be praying.
Thank you.
Will pray. Lost a best friend over this in 2006. She has not spoken to me since. She was shocked by the gentle rebuking...and I mean the gentle part...not the rebuking part. I think she just expected me to be forceful and when I was gentle and quiet she did not know what to do with me.
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