26. Being the safe place for my boys.
27. sweet smiles and “talking”, even if it is a 4:30 AM
28. dancing and clapping at the Veggie Tales theme song.
29. Sweet curly hair on my youngest
30. Pepto bismol. No further comment.
31. Amy, from Mom’s Toolbox
32. The community of Believers worldwide
33. Skype - reuniting me with a dear friend from college, and keeping me connected with dear friends in Asia
34. Veggie Tales -- quality kids programming that teaches Biblical truths-- with catchy, adorable songs!
35. Snuggles, even if they interrupt my planned quiet time.
27. sweet smiles and “talking”, even if it is a 4:30 AM
28. dancing and clapping at the Veggie Tales theme song.
29. Sweet curly hair on my youngest
30. Pepto bismol. No further comment.
31. Amy, from Mom’s Toolbox
32. The community of Believers worldwide
33. Skype - reuniting me with a dear friend from college, and keeping me connected with dear friends in Asia
34. Veggie Tales -- quality kids programming that teaches Biblical truths-- with catchy, adorable songs!
35. Snuggles, even if they interrupt my planned quiet time.