Blogging through the Gospels with Amy, from Mom's Toolbox.
Reading: John 15
5 "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.
19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.
Verse 5 -
The branches apart from the vine wither and die. The vine is what gives the life, the sustaining nutrients.
It is a very vivid, memorable picture, that helps us to remember just how closely we have to be connected to our Savior.
Verse 19 -
When we become the Savior's, we are no longer of this World. Our true home is in Heaven. We are existing here, on this Earth, but the people of the Earth are not our brothers and sisters. Our lineage has changed. And the world can sense the difference, and the world does not like the One who will call us home.
Verse 5 -
In my own strength, everything I do vanishes. Nothing will benefit the Kingdom of God. Nothing will last. In my own strength it is all meaningless, all vanity.
In Him, truly resting, and abiding in Him, everything from the smallest encounter in the grocery store to the life changing decisions on Sunday morning benefits the Kingdom of God.
Verse 19 -
I do not need to worry about my standing in the community. I need to make sure that I am connected to the Vine. If the world hates me, the world hates me. If I am in the Vine, every moment will still be used for His Kingdom, no matter what the rest of the world thinks. The ones that being called will be called.
The praise of men means NOTHING.
And, therefore, the hatred of the same men means NOTHING.
Thank you, Lord,
I needed the reminder today.
Remain in You-- and all else will fade into the background.