Blogging through the Gospels with Amy from Mom's Toolbox.
Reading: John 19
Scripture: John 19: 9-10
10 Then Pilate said to Him, “Are You not speaking to me? Do You not know that I have power to crucify You, and power to release You?”
11 Jesus answered, “You could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given you from above. Therefore the one who delivered Me to you has the greater sin.”
Pilate can feel that Jesus has done no wrong.
More than that, he can sense that there is something special, something powerful about Him. It certainly is not because of His attitude or demeanor. Jesus, in complete humility, accepts the charges and interrogations without jumping to his own defense.
Pilate is trying desperately to find something that can prove Jesus' innocence, and silence the chief priests once and for all.
Jesus' response: “You could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given you from above..."
is something that is ringing in my heart and mind.
It brings to mind Job. Daniel in the lion's den. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednago in the fiery furnace. Stephen, martyred for the Gospel.
Our lives our in our Father's hand. He has the power to deliver. He has the power to hold us during the storm.
We do not always understand the circumstances. We don't know the reason for the losses that we experience. But we do know that our God sees the whole picture.
There are no situations in this life that out of the control of my Father.
While I don't at this time understand why He allowed certain circumstances (for example: the ectopic pregnancy) in our lives, I believe that there was a reason.
And it's not that I don't understand why I was the one to suffer. I am so happy to be able to help other women who have experienced a similar loss. I am grateful that I can empathize. But I can't understand how miscarriages are part of God's perfect design. Are they connected to the Fall somehow? I may never know this side of Heaven. And when I am on the other side, I doubt that I am going to care, or be consumed by this.
The bottom line?
My God is Faithful.
My God is Trustworthy.
My God is everything that I could possibly need.
In every situation, I need to remember that if God is not delivering me out of it, then there must be a purpose. And even while persecution looms on all sides, My God is faithful, and has a Plan.
This world is not my home.
Thank you for the reminder that all things are seen by you. Nothing is hidden.
Prepare me for the trials of the future, and help me to trust You completely.